Put Your Choice Dollars and Action Teams to Good Use!
If you are a Thrivent Financial member, you could use your action teams and/or choice dollars to support the mission of WDSRA. Don’t know what these member benefits are?
Action teams are our newest volunteer program making it easy for members to support a cause they care about. Every benefit member receives two action teams per year where the funds can be used towards a volunteer event, fundraiser, or service activity. Thankfully there are lots of opportunities at WDSRA to use an action team throughout the year.
The choice dollar program gives eligible members an opportunity to recommend where Thrivent distributes some of its charitable outreach funds each year.
There are always great volunteer opportunities available at WDSRA. If you do not see one that matches your availability, please contact Ellie at ellies@wdsra.com or 630-681-0962 ext 578.

Not a Thrivent member? Find out how you could be eligible to use these member benefits.
Volunteer Opportunities
Program Volunteer Opportunities
Winter Ball
WDSRA Track Meet
Spring Formal
Costume Ball
Wheelchair Basketball Tournament
Holiday Dinner Dance
New Year’s Extravaganza
Flexible Opportunities
One Day of “Indirect Volunteering”
Date, Time, Location TBD
Summer Camp Prep
Date, Time, Location TBD
Sensory Bags
Purchase supplies and collate bags
Visual Boards
Laminate and collate visual board, purchase new laminator?
Purchasing and planting plants
WDSRA Foundation Volunteering
Red & Black Bash
Glen Ellyn
Charlie Long/WDSRA Golf Classic
Naperville Ribfest
* Thrivent member activities, such as Thrivent Action Teams, Thrivent Builds, and Thrivent Choice, engage Thrivent members and Thrivent Member Networks in charitable activities, furthering Thrivent’s mission and its purposes under state law. You should never purchase or retain any insurance or annuity products simply to be able to participate. Participation is subject to applicable Terms and Conditions. Terms and conditions available at Thrivent.com.
* Licensed agent/producer of Thrivent Financial, marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Registered representative of Thrivent Investment Management Inc., Minneapolis, MN. Thrivent.com/disclosures. 1961923-120117
Contact Us
If you would like to volunteer, contact Ellie at 630-681-0962 or ellies@wdsra.com.